This Really Angers Me
These jackasses removed the bird's nest and evicted them. Come on - live and let live you pricks.
The New York Times is pissed too.
Words from my life South of the Border in Mexico City for friends and family. I intend to post artcles and other things that are funny or interesting. I am a huge soccer fan, like to cook and am currently consumed by politics. I work in finance and am busy trying to get my Spanish to the next level. Hope you enjoy.
You will treat the minority with respect or you will not be treated with respect.
It meant that, throughout one of the most demanding periods of modern transatlantic relations, America lacked a strong voice and presence on this side of the water. This was a double deprivation. It was a loss to Britain, since it left Tony Blair to take all the hits while attempting to mediate US policy in this country. And it was a loss to the US, because there was no one with the clout to mediate Britain's views back to the American administration and people.